Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Don't Be A Menace

fucking. hilarious.

The Postman Always Rings Twice

Okay, if you haven't seen this movie you need to.

Lana Turner as Cora- that's enough to make you watch it in the first place, but on top of that, it's a love/murder story with an ending that will make you seriously want to scream.

Anywayyyyyyy I was at the book store with my best guy will, and there's this GIANT book all about Lana that I want but don't have 35 dollars to spend on. Soooo I just told my boyfriend about it and hopefully he gets the hint ;).
Ha I've just realized my blog has turned into the Lana Turner blog. I'll try not to gush anymore!


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Monday, December 15, 2008


What a great movie.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

new hair, new outlook

That's my new brown hair.
I like it.

On the other side of things, I've been really pissed off at a lot of people lately and I'm tired of putting up with bratty bitches and spoiled people from milwaukee. I'm fed up with everyone's bull shit.

Over the past week I've met, among others, a person who was raped for 5 years, a person who was stalked by an online predator, over 20 people who have attempted suicide, and just as many drug addicts. My life, compared to them, is amazing.

Meeting and making friends with all of those people has made me realize that almost everyone I know takes nearly everything they own and nearly everything they're given for granted, and most of them throw a lot of stuff away because they don't realize their worth.

My friend is angry at me because he thinks I sabotaged his chances with a girl, and a week ago it made me feel really bad about myself, but now I just laugh when I think about it, because compared to the friends I've made recently he looks like a baby crying over spilled milk.

I've been getting into a lot of arguments with people over the past couple of days, mostly because I realize that they're being ungrateful for what they have. I wish that everyone could go through what I've gone through so that they could see their lives from that perspective.

Anyway, I hope this post at least makes whoever reads it think a little bit more about their lives and their problems, or maybe makes them appreciate what they have and what they're given.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Princess Tuvstarr and friends

I just stumbled upon these really really amazing pieces of art by John Bauer, and I wanted to share them with you. They're from "Among Gnomes and Trolls" which is a Swedish annual publication about traditional folklore and fairytales. Most of these are from 1913-1915, the most famous being the one of Princess Tuvstarr sitting by the pool from "The story of Skutt the moose and little Princess Tuvstarr". Does anyone know this story or any of the other ones? I can't find them anywhere, in english at least. Anyway, here they are, enjoy!