Monday, April 20, 2009

New faaaaves

New favorites, beeyyottch.

NASA- Hip hop
Beyonce- Freakum Dress
Jose Nunez- Bilingual
Aesop Rock- Commencement at the Obedience Academy
The Cardigans- Lovefool
Tori Amos- Welcome to England
Los Mono- Promesas
Los Mono- Se Puede

lemme know what you thiiiiink!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Spider Webs

I dreamed about Ray Charles last night and he could see just fine, you know. I asked him for a lullaby, he said "Honey, I don't sing no mo'. Since I got my eyesight back my voice has just deserted me. No Georgia on my mind no mo', I stay in bed with MTV." And there he took his glasses off and I could see inside his head. Flashing like a thunderstorm I saw a shining spider web. A spider web in Ray Charles' head.
I dreamed about Ray Charles last night, he took me flying in the air. He showed me my own spider web, said, "Honey, you had best take care. The world is made of spider webs, the threads are stuck to me and you. Careful what you're wishin' for, cause when you gain you just might lose. When you're feelin' lonely, when you're lyin' in your bed, don't forget your string-up, girl. Dont forget your spider web."
When I go to sleep tonight, don't let me dream of broke old Ray. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad he sees, I just like him best the other way.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

If you haven't already seen these

Get on that.

Just two movies I want to recommend, the first you've more than likely heard of, as it stars Angelina Jolie, called Changeling. It's disturbing and powerful and inspiring all at once. Plus, the costumes are so pretty.

The second one is called Låt den rätte komma in. It's a movie set in the 80's about a boy and his relationship with a little girl vampire. Sounds cheesy, but in reality it's a seriously amazing film.


Monday, March 2, 2009

Passing Phase

I wish I could talk about how the means will not prepare you for the ends.

How your epiphanies will become fair weather friends...

how death will make you lower your defenses.

The only truth of youth is the grown-up consequences.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


new obsessions!

Lykee Li- Little Bit
MIA/Diplo- Pop
Katy Perry- Use Your Love
Audio Bullys- Shot You Down
Benny Benassi- Who's Your Daddy?

take a quick listen

Hello kitty, hello world

Friday, February 20, 2009


Confirmed on the corner of broadway&houston: Agyness Deyn does, in fact, look exactly like this in person.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


SO I finally got accepted to the college I'm planning on going to, SUNY Stony Brook, and tomorrow I'm going to go see some shows in NYC and then visit my new school :)


Sunday, February 1, 2009

No City

For want of a nail the shoe was lost
For want of a shoe the horse was lost
For want of a horse the rider was lost
For want of a rider the battle was lost
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost
And all for the want of a horse shoe nail

There is a hole in front of the shovel, shovel in front of the brawn
Six billion gorillas for whom the graves yawn
Each withered his mule-ish days to choose his tool of trade
Dueling blades that cue the cruel charade and fuel the flames
If you would clue the crew into the civil
Just get the food and land like you the man who flew the coop over the pit-bulls
Dash back flashy to compassionate nano police
Sat beneath an avalanche and jagged inadequacies
And I would stop the violence more than I was Pontius Pilate
Cops and robbers riot by the vows of noxious sirens
A is gullible he figure all man equal no brainer
Take it his friends and neighbors didn't cater
Moms raised the babies through a very church-y eighties
Sunday mornings reinforced the waiting gates of Hades
And he brazen but apparently inferno bound now
For when a man had coughed recite his wrongs he wouldn't bow down
The punishment should fit the reasons you must punish him
Never puncture skin or pull the colored rugs from under them
Two opposing mother ships shall not employ the gunner's deck
Cause brotherhoods of public good do not employ the unctuous in you
Observing how the giveth is disproportionate to the taketh away decide to maketh his day
All the stoic odium glowing a coal holster
When he coulda stood easily in the tub juggling toasters

No mountain too high
No city too far
No coma tonight
No city tomorrow
No fire too live
No city too charred
No treaty to sign
No city to guard

I pick the phone up with a grown-up mode approach
Skin crawlin off the drawl and now it clawed the awkward tone up
I'd known it wasn't roses but hoped it was less corrosive
Coast in to the focus of the grossest diagnosis like
Holmes, the barnacles that chew upon the flesh of man
Have clued into suitor as capital to a beggars hand
Comfortably, sung a stubborn legacy of gluttony
With carnivores that burrow like hunters into the blood and meat
Umm, what? !?
The Jenny chin up and the city picked her sinning pen up let her numb the spitting stigma
Along came a spider sold her eggs to any buyer
Now the shooter in back is six legs wider than the driver
If you make no friends on the way to the top rung
There is no secret handshake club I do not give a fuck
But know the cancers make the olive branches obviously standard
So when they extend from the yachts and mansions drop your cannons
All kings hang em for the cliff side drip dry
Will he clip to zip line or slip for his final dip dive
If he live, will he survive the milligrams of middle ground
They pump into the pinstripe pentagrams over tinsel town
Or kill a man who trickled down the city with his scissors out as sickles
Dipped in military hells bells and whistles
Riders to the east
Now the wild tribes
Thank you for the peace on earth and mercy mild high

No mountain too high
No city too far
No coma tonight
No city tomorrow
No fire too live
No city too charred
No treaty to sign
No city to guard

And all for the want of a horse shoe nail

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Best rendition of dragon...

these kids are AMAZING

first of all, they're singing my favorite tori amos song.
then, they're doing it even more beautifully than she does


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

"Human the Death Dance"

On the face of her phone, Wileen programs a message to herself
so that when the alarm clock rings the screen flashes

Jordan tattoos the words "Forgive me"
in thick black letters on the inside of his arm
so that when he looks at his wrist
he will remember to not hate himself so much.

What they both keep forgetting is that there is life after survival.

After Dave left, Mary started sticking her face
between the film projector and the movie screen
so that when the credits roll
she still gets to be somebody.

When Tara’s past comes back
she mashes chalk into the sidewalk
until her knuckles bleed.
She scribbles and scrapes and scribbles and scrapes
until the words take shape
and this is what they say:
they say
"I wanna die motherfucker die
DIE motherfucker.
Hold tight if I love you cause it might not last long.

Y’all, we’re all gonna die.
That’s the exciting part.
It’s learning how to live for a living.
That's the tricky bitch.

Just ask Denise,
whose family taught her when she came into this world
that family equals love.
So Denise took that shit seriously,
but after a lifetime of craving acceptance from their cruelty
she now finds herself jamming polaroid pictures
of these people into her typewriter
and pounding out the last letter of the word mercy
over and over again.
She strikes the key;
Y. Y? Y? Y? Y? Y?!

And the answer?

The answer comes in the form
of a hand-written letter
from the moon that says:
"This is brutally beautiful. So are we.
This is endless.
So are we.
We can heal this.
Signed, Crater Face
P.S. See me for who I am. We’ve got work to do."

But my father, he didn’t read moon
he didn’t speak moon
and he didn’t write moon.

So there was no note left next to his body
when he chose to leave this world on purpose
without telling us where he was going or why.

There are still days you can catch me
tape recording eternal silence and playing it backwards
for an empty room just so I can listen to his dying wish.

Yes, it’s true, and the apple
it doesn’t fall too far from the tree,
but thank goodness my family tree was in an orchard
on a hill that rolled me to the river,
and that river ripped me through the rapids
and those rapids rushed me into this moment
right here right now
with you at the mouth.

This is my church,
and if church is a house of healing,
Welcome, come on in as you are.
Have a look around.
Stay out of my porn.

There are massive stacks of bad choices in my backyard.
Clearly I have not yet reached enlightenment
beyond a few fleeting moments,
but I’m trying
and I found something here I want you to have.

It ain’t much.
Just a story,
but it’s all I’ve got so take it.
It’s called Dillon.

Dillon’s drug of choice was more,
so he took more and more
until the day he woke up babbling in a pool of his own traffic jam,
realizing he is killing off the best parts of himself
and claiming he could read people’s skin.

When he looked down at his heart flap it said
"Boy, go find your spine and ride it outta here."

Wileen’s gut said "Day one";
Jordan’s arms, "FULLY FORGIVEN";
Mary’s face, "The Endless";
Tara’s knuckles, "Healing";
Denise’s fingertip said "C? C.C.C.C.C!";
and Dillon said,
my smile,
it said, “Fix it”.

So I came back here
to the mouth of the river
to look at my own reflection under the moonlight
and see what it says for myself.

Where down my whole body it is written
"P.S. See me for who I am. We’ve got work to do.

As for Crater Face, I can’t speak for that guy.
His skin is a brutally beautiful handwritten letter from the sun.


Friday, January 16, 2009

who knew?

So, I was listening to Surfer Rosa for the first time in a long time, and I realized that one of my favorite M.I.A. songs is actually a Pixies song.

"Put your feet on the air, your head on the ground
Try this trick and spin it, yeah
Your head'll collapse when there's nothing in it
And you'll ask yourself
'Where is my mind?'"



I forgot Santogold. Anything by Santogold.

some music for youuuu

I'm a little bored so I'm gonna tell you what music you should check out, okay?

here's a few.

Lady Gaga- The Fame
Jason Mraz- Lucky
Ben Folds- Hiroshima
Yeah Yeah Yeahs- Man
The Hives- Hate To Say I Told You So
Gorillaz- Dare
The Streets- The Escapist
Yelle- Ce Jeu
Edith Piaf- Milord
The Ting Tings- Great DJ
Kylie Minogue- Nudity
Fiona Apple- Criminal
Kate Voegele- Hallelujah
Norah Jones- The Nearness of You
MGMT- Kids
Ben Folds and Regina Spektor- You Don't Know Me
Gogol Bordello- Wonderlust King
The Veronicas- Untouched
Britney Spears- Lace and Leather
Buddy Wakefield- Fran Varian's Grandmother
Benny Benassi- Who's Your Daddy
Be Your Own Pet- Wildcat!
Aesop Rock- None Shall Pass
Kanye West- Paranoid
Varekai- Kero Hireyo
M.I.A.- 10 Dollar
Petula Clark- Downtown
The Roots- What They Do

I'll add more in a bit... let me know what you think, and suggest your own! yeah!

Saturday, January 10, 2009



fact for the day.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Just in case you didn't know... Alice in Wonderland (disney version) is one of my favorite movies.

Soooo I'm gonna write a little update since I haven't written much quality posts for a while.

This break was nice, spent every day with my boyfriend and relaxed a bunch, but the most exciting thing that happened was getting my christmas gift- tickets to go see this musical I'm obsessed with, In the Heights, on broadway. If you haven't already, check it out, here's a little video:

I've only got 2 weeks of school left, and I'm really going to try to stick it out and go every day (besides, if I don't, I might have to go back to the hospital... and I DEFINITELY don't want to go back, as much as I miss my friends there)

Saw a few movies in the theater... my favorite was Slumdog Millionare, I would recommend it to anyone and everyone. It's one of my new favorites. I also saw Milk, which was veerrrryy good, and Doubt, which was also very up there.

I can't think of much else to say, but once I do, I'll let you know!

--Ellen <3